When Jane married for the second time, problems started for her daughter Lily. She would say that she can’t get along with Mike, who was her stepdad. For the last four years, after her marriage with Mike, 12-year-old Lily started to complain about her stepfather.

But as Jane noticed, Mike was trying so hard to get liked by Lily. He was trying everything.

An angry young girl | Source: Midjourney

But whenever Jane would talk with her daughter, she would cut her words with anger.

After Lily’s father Ben passed away, Jane stayed a single mother until she was 35. She met Mike then. He was a kind, honest man who was a total gentleman.

He would say nothing when Lily would complain to his face or say mean words. “She is just a kid who lost her father, give her time.” he would say.

An upset man holding his head | Source: Midjourney

But Lily would say, “I HATE HIM!”

One day, Jane returned early from work. It was a regular day at the start for Jane. Mike went to his job, and Lily went to school. After a headache hit Jane, she took the rest of the day and went back home to rest.

She found Lily’s backpack on the porch. A fear caught her heart. Mike’s car was also on the driveway. The front door was ajar, and there were some sounds coming from inside. She slowly opened the door as she was scared.

An open door | Source: Unsplash

She was shocked with the sight she saw. Lily was wearing a blue dress, and Mike was in a sharp suit.

Lily gasped when she saw her mother. “You’re home early!”

Then Mike revealed the truth. They were practicing the father-daughter dance at Lily’s school. He told Jane that Lily asked him to go with her.

This was the moment she wanted for her daughter and husband after they married. Lily finally accepted Mike as her father, and started to act like his daughter.

A man smiling | Source: Midjourney

“What changed?” Jane asked as she was curious of what happened.

“I’ve been so blind! I thought I hated Mike, but I didn’t understand how much he truly loved me until… until he saved me.”

Mike saw Lily last week where she was being pushed by older boys at the exit of the school. He rushed towards Lily and stood up for her and sent the boys away. Lily said that Mike acted like her real dad would.

Jane cried after what she heard and hugged them both.

A man and a young girl dancing | Source: Midjourney

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