Julia was living in the neighbourhood for more than a decade with her husband Roger, and their 10-year-old son, Dean.

They had a peaceful life for a long time, until their next-door neighbour Linda moved in. She had a god, golden retriever, Max. Since Linda moved in, they never had a good relationship.

One day, while Julia was in her backyard, Max came to her property. The dog was sweet but curious. Julia smiled, but then the dog screamed with pain. She saw that Max had a thorn in his paw.

A golden retriever dog | Source: Pexels

As Julia patted his head, she gently removed the thorn. It was a garden nonetheless, a thorn in the paw was a simple accident, and she didn’t have a dog who would wander into the garden.

Then she walked Max back to Linda, and she was expecting a thank you. Instead, Linda gave her a cold stare, where her arms were crossed. Linda then asked about her limping dog.

Julia explained the situation. She huffed, and took Max back inside. Julia thought that it was over, but on the next morning, she was shocked when Linda wanted $2000 for Max’s treatment.

As Linda threatened Julia, she didn’t believe that it took $2000 to treat a thorn pain. It was a tiny piece of wood, and it can’t be the reason of a pain which would take $2000 to treat. It was nonsense.

An angry woman leaning out her car window | Source: Midjourney

Linda threatened Julia again, and left. That day was the start of the terrible things. She would knock the garbage can, she would honk at her. But the worst thing she did was to try to get Dean arrested.

She called the cops when Dean was riding his bike in Julia’s driveway. Roger was in hospital again, and Julia was tired off everything. She took her child back inside.

On the evening, she received a call from the hospital, and they immediately called her since Roger’s condition got worsened. She left Dean with her mother, and rushed to the hospital.

A hospital lit up at night | Source: Pexels

After two days at the hospital, she returned home, and found her home splattered in paint. It was a mess.

There was a note from Linda, “Hope you have a colourful day!”

Julia lost control, she was going to Linda’s door, but then she stopped herself. She jumped into her car and drove it to the hardware store. She bought traps and scent lures. She was going to swarm Linda’s house with beetles.

It was three a.m., Julia sneaked into Linda’s backyard, and placed the traps and scent lures. When the sun was rising, Julia noticed the beetles were swarming Linda’s garden. In days to come, the amount of the beetles were raised.

A beetle on a flower | Source: Pexels

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