James was over the clouds, as his daughter Emily was going to be married with her fiance, Jake, in few days. James was looking at the old photo albums. There were pictures of Emily riding her bike, first dance and her graduation.

James was smiling as he saw his daughter’s first picture ever taken after she was born.

A man looking at a photo album in his living room | Source: Midjourney

Then his phone buzzed. He saw that the pictures of Emily’s bridal party was uploaded to their family cloud. James decided to check them since he was the father.

Emily was in a booth, and was crying her heart out as she was drinking. It was looking terrible. She then said, “I hope Jake never turns out like dad!”

James’ heart just skipped a beat. He felt an incredible pain in his soul.

One of her friends said, “Your father is not that bad, he is just…”

Then another one filled the blank, “a disappointment?” Then they all laughed. James couldn’t believe what he just heard. He never thought that his daughter was feeling this way.

A woman at a bar with her friends | Source: Midjourney

He then decided to call Emily, but couldn’t. He wanted to know why his daughter was thinking this way, but he was also scared to ask.

He chose not to talk about the matter for few days. He tried to understand the reason why his daughter said that, but he couldn’t. When the big day arrived, he texted to his daughter.

“I will not be walking you down the aisle. I can’t pretend like I don’t know anything.”

He was waiting for his daughter’s calls but the phone sat there in silent, as he was in his living room. Then the door got knocked.

A stunned woman | Source: Midjourney

“Dad, what? We are walking down the aisle in an hour!”

“I saw the video.”


“The video where you declare that I’m a disappointment.”

“I… I didn’t mean.”

“Mean what, that I’m a disappointment, that you wishing your fiance not to turn out like me, a disappointment!”

“I was drunk, dad. I don’t even remember what I’ve said.”

“That does not make it normal.”

“Dad there was a reason I’ve said that. Do you know how hard it is to talk to you sometimes? I never felt that I was in a good level because of you!”

“What? I’ve always been proud of you!”

“All you said to me was be better. When I got A-, you said that I should get an A. I got a job, you expected a higher paying job.”

A woman sitting on a sofa | Source: Midjourney

“And you always stopped me when I get emotional. When grandpa died you focused on work and didn’t even look at me.”

“I didn’t thought this way…”

“That’s why I didn’t want Jake to be like you. I know you love me dad, I have no doubt of it. But sometimes we need more.”

She was trying not to mess her make up while wiping her tears away.

“I’m sorry honey.” James said.

“Just be there when I need you dad! Please!”

“I will!” James said, as he went to wear his suit, since he had a mission, he was supposed to walk his daughter down the aisle.

A man adjusting his tie | Source: Midjourney

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