Richard looked at the mirror and thought that he was looking like a homeless man. Then he proceeded with his plan to visit one of the company’s offices with his new look. He went to many other offices of his company with a hope to find someone kind, who had the qualities he expected from his workers, but he was not lucky with his efforts.

As he was about to enter, a man stopped him. “Where do you think you are going?”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Richard responded, “I’m cold and hungry.”

The guard turned to him, “This is not a shelter. You need to leave.”

“I only need some food, please call Tom. He would help.” Richard said.

“Tom would kick you out without even speaking.” Guard responded.

As the guard sighed, he let him sit on a chair and called Tom. Then a young woman appeared. She smiled towards the guard, and looked at Richard. She then smiled towards Richard as if she felt sympathy for him.

“Do you need any help sir?”

“I just wanted to get warm, and something to eat.”

Then she brought him a bottle of water, and invited him in.”

Then the guard stopped them and explained that Tom didn’t want anybody in the building.

The woman explained that the man needed help, but the guard wanted them to wait until Tom’s arrival.

As they were arguing, Tom appeared and asked, “What is going on?”

Then Richard responded, “Hello sir, I needed some food and to get warm.”

“Do I look like a shelter owner? Leave immediately!” Tom was harsh.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

The woman intervened, “But he is just a hungry old man!”

“Why do you care Lindsay? Get back to work!”

As the woman was leaving, she whispered to Richard, “Go to the backside, I will take to eat.”

As they went to a restaurant, they started to talk. Lindsay talked about how cruel Tom was as a boss, and Richard asked some other questions about her salary, and the office.

Richard was happy that he finally found someone who has the right values he expected from a worker. After they ate Lindsay left Richard at the place he stated that he was living in.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Few months later, the word of the passing of the owner of the company arrived at the office where Lindsay was working. Everybody thought that Tom would be the new owner, since the owner didn’t have any children.

A lawyer entered to the office, and asked for Lindsay. Tom was expecting to be talked but he was shocked when he learned that Lindsey was the person to be talked to.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Then the lawyer explained the situation to Lindsay. She was shocked when she learned that she was the new owner of the company. The lawyer revealed that Richard had high hopes for her and left.

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