Caroline was a web developer, and she was working from home for the last decade. When she would take a break, she would drink coffee in front of her window, and watch outside.
Every day, at 4 p.m., her neighbour Mike would visit his home for 15 minutes, and then go back to his work.
On the days where Jill, his wife, would go to work, they would come together, and again, leave 15 minutes later.
Ten years of seeing this had create a lasting desire to know what they were doing in that 15 minutes for Caroline.
One day, she wanted to learn. When she heard Mike’s car, she went outside as she watched Jill and Mike go in their home.
She then rushed to their window and peeked inside. In the center of the room, and had a camera in his hands. His back was towards the window, and Jill was standing facing him with a smile.
As Caroline tried to reach more to see more, she saw Mike was looking directly at her as Jill screamed, “Someone’s there! Someone’s peeking inside!”
Caroline rushed back into her home then. She had no idea if they recognized her. She then realised that the camera was turned to her, so they would know who was peeking through their window.
What happened was, Mike was taking a portrait of his wife, but when he turned to Caroline, he took a picture of her.
On the evening, her door got knocked, it was Mike. He was holding a picture in his hand. “Care to explain?”
As Caroline was ashamed, she revealed the whole story. How she was seeing them coming back to the house for 15 minutes, and leave, and how much she wanted to know what they were doing in that 15 minutes, for the last decade.
“I wanted to know what was this fifteen-minute ritual. Nothing else. Please don’t get me wrong.”
“Fifteen-minute ritual?” Mike laughed.
Then he invited Caroline to his house, where Jill was waiting. Then they sat into the couch at Mike and Jill’s house.
Mike started to talk. They were living in the house for the last 15 years. Mike promised something to his wife. He stated that he would take her picture every day, same time, same pose, no matter what.
Then he pulled a photo album. He showed to Caroline the pictures of his wife. This was a way to show Jill how much he was in love with her, and how much he was caring her.
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