Our fingerprints are unique, as the patterns on your palms are. Each line on your palm is unique to your hand, and no other person has the same line, in terms of length and depth.

These lines have different meanings regarding a person’s character, of the choices they will make in their lives. And even about a person’s health.

Palmistry is the practice of interpreting these lines. It is not a science, but it can come out as true mostly.

There are five major lines which can be interpret as below:

Heart Line: It is the reflection of emotional status and can be considered with relationships.

Head Line: This line tells the intellect and decision making of a person.

Life Line: This line is mistaken with the length of lifespan, but it is actually about a person’s life experience.

Fate Line: It is giving messages about a person’s career and destiny. It is mostly related with fate, or the purpose of life.

Sun Line: This line is connected with fame, and success. A clear line usually means artistic talent.

According to palmistry, if a person’s heart and head lines are creating the letter “M,” it means that person has a gift, and considered to be special.

The letter “M” gives the idea that the person who has it is an exceptional person with insight and a true leader.

This line is also known as Simian line, and means that a strong personality. As the studies are suggesting, only 1 to 2% of the humankind has this mark on their palms.

According to palm reader Gary Markwick, people with Simian lines are “quite highly sensitive.”

“They’re very focused, they’re head on, they’re going to get what they want normally. But sometimes they have tunnel vision in what they’re trying to achieve and they’re not always looking around to see who’s around or what’s happening,” Markwick shared.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Credit: Shutterstock

Markwick also stated that Meghan Markle has this Simian line in both her hands. “Some people just have a touch of that line, but Meghan has a Simian line on each hand…so it’s a double whammy. She could do great things.”

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