Despite both Cara’s parents were working, her mother had always acted with greed in Cara’s eyes. Her mother, Lydia was a nurse, and her father Henry was a regional manager of a store.

But her mother would take Cara to thrift stores to buy some clothes. She never had a birthday party, and she attended to other parties not more than thrice. Her mother wouldn’t let her buy gifts for her friends.

A young woman in a thrift store | Source: Pexels

Her father was the favourite. He would call Cara as his light which guides his life. He would take her to cinema, and buy her little treats without Lydia’s knowledge. But her mother, it was a different story.

If something was not related with money, Lydia would be lost in her thoughts. She was obsessed with saving money. She would warn everyone when they leave the lights on.

Cara started to work in a pet grooming salon later, but when the first payment from her job came, Lydia took more than half of it. She would say that she needs it. Then she would say, “you don’t understand now, but one day you will.”

A person grooming a dog | Source: Pexels

Years passed, and one day her mother came into her room during the night. She patted her head, and explained that her father, Henry, was involved in a car crash, and that he couldn’t make it.

Times were rough for Cara. Before her graduation, she started to apply colleges, since her father put money in her college fund. But again, her mother did something. She took all the money from Cara’s college fund.

“You just don’t understand, Cara,” she would say.

That was it for Cara. That day, she went to live by herself. As years passed, her life changed with a phone call. Her mother had passed away. Her aunt, Veronica, called Cara. She was supposed to sort his mother’s stuff.

A casket at a funeral service | Source: Pexels

In the boxes, Cara found her mother’s diary. She waited for couple of days to read it as she was unsure about reading it. She was in her bed, and decided to read the diary.

It was painful for her to learn that her mother was only trying to keep her family financially alive. Her father started a business, but later it failed. They were left with big loans.

The debt was enormous. As Henry wanted to get more money through small effort, he started to gambling. But he ended up with enlarging their debts. Lydia was trying to save every penny, as she needed to since she had a daughter.

After Henry passed away, the debt was transferred to Lydia. She was incredibly sad since her daughter was hating her. She then read how her mother felt when she had no other option to use Cara’s college fund. She was hating herself for stealing Cara’s future.

A woman counting money and crying | Source: Pexels

On the last page of the diary, Lydia revealed that she finished the debt. She was happy that her daughter will not face any debt transferred from her when she passed away. The struggle consumed her, as she had not much time left in this world. She was sick, but she had no other option than to work.

Her only wish was for her daughter to understand why she acted that way, one day.

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